A friend started telling about recent hassles with her husband. She referenced numerous irritating habits and grievances. Once she started looking at him through fresh eyes, things changed dramatically.
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The Annoying Husband – #644
How about that husband of yours? Sure gets on your nerves at times, doesn’t he? You get annoyed by some of the things he does. And what’s really frustrating are the things he doesn’t do.
Lots of promises, no action. Reminds me of the joke, “When a man says he will do something, he will do it. He does not need to be reminded every six months.”
Well, you can go ahead and be annoyed, or you could take a different look at it. Those things that annoy you, do they really matter?
There are millions of people yearning for a life companion and they can’t find one. Ask how fussy they would be about perfection, if they had a person who loved them, who they could talk to and share with.
Next time you are busy getting annoyed, think about the way he makes you feel; he way you feel when you look at him, or hug him, or watch him with your children.
Are you overlooking the good points and dwelling on the needy? Maybe a change of your attitude would make a difference. If you love him, be sure to tell him today. Right now. Give him a break from complaints – voiced or thought of. Substitute loving acceptance and see what happens. Could make life happier for you both.
Something to consider.
There’s also a simple approach that can positively affect the family culture too. Introduce frequent use of “please” and “thank you.” It even works on teenagers – sometimes.
[Show #644]
Cathie Taylor says
I certainly do not have this problem! I am VERY thankful for the husband my Lord gave me!!
PS…we both use “ thank you and please often!” 💓💓
Annette Petrick says
You would be the kind of couple that uses those nicities. Just comes naturally – and shows respect.