I’ve been reading up on autism lately; a subject that is of more interest today than ever before. Too many kids are autistic and we don’t know why.
Parents are frightened by the possibility that it’s from vaccinations. One father has one child who is autistic and two who have not yet been vaccinated. He wondered, “Will I wind up with three of them like this?”
Children with high-functioning autism look like any other children their age. They learn, they are often very bright. Yet their behavioral responses may be bizarre.
They lack social interaction skills that come naturally to most of us. Other kids won’t play with them. They have no friends. They are constantly being punishing for their disruptive behavior.
Yet we are finding that actually their brains are wired differently. Social interactions that are natural to most, are foreign to them. One mom of an Asperger child cautioned that her son is not less; he is different.
He does not comprehend that other people have other thoughts. He thinks that everyone’s thoughts are the same as his. So his interaction is totally self-centered. He seems rude. Actually, it’s how his brain is wired.
Parents have to unlearn parenting skills and start all over on a whole new page.
So much for us all to learn to treat or prevent autism.
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