Being asked or expected to help – It can change your life. And those who are most apt to help are often the least willing to ask for help, when they need it. That can be life changing too. This week’s story explores the intricacies of these life changes.
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Called On To Help – #263
There are times in life when we are called upon to do things that are difficult. They seem to come in threes, these times of challenge. And when they occur, they seem to define us wholly. Instead of being a multi-faceted human being, we start to think we are nothing more than the caregiver, the mother figure, the easily disposable employee.
So many people are struggling today. It is very possible that you may be called on to give help, jump in, provide a safety net or a soft place to land. It’s also possible that you become one of those who needs help.
When suddenly called on to take a difficult new role, it’s important to keep your perspective. You are the same person as before the challenge occurred. You may feel overwhelmed at the beginning, but you can figure things out. You always have.
It’s said that God never calls on us to do more than we can. Pray for strength if that’s where you get spiritual courage. Be willing to ask for help yourself if it gets to be too much. Look around and you may find willing, loving, helpers in places you would not imagine.
Speak out and let the help come forward. You can make it through these times. Easy? No. Doable? Absolutely. God Bless You.
Often all it takes to get help is for people to know you need it. In a small town or a giant high rise, help may be closer than you think. It could be from friends, family, neighbors, church community. Reach out and let the help pour in.
[Show #263]
Blasted auto correct! I typed sisters, no apostrophe!
Because I have been involved with my city for a long time, people ask “who, where, when” all the time. I can tell them who has responsibility, where they can find, and when an event normally occurs.
And I am always available to pick up packages and mail for vacationing neighbors, let the dog out when mom is running late, provide pet sitting when the pet-sitter cancels and let the EMT into the house when the ambulance arrived.
That said, I was recently reminded that I need to learn to say “no” when the ask is more than I want to (or can) do. Very difficult for me.
And expecting ME to ask for help is something my parents never taught us to do. My sister’s and I have often mentioned our inability to ask or receive help. Good thing we have each other!
There are those who would say it’s selfish not to ask for help. You don’t give someone the opportunity to show you what they’re really made of. What if the mom, the neighbor or the dog owner never asked for YOUR help. They would have no idea what a good neighbor and friend you are. See how it works? Now, how can I help you?
Hebrews 6:9-12 The Message (MSG)
9-12 I’m sure that won’t happen to you, friends. I have better things in mind for you—salvation things! God doesn’t miss anything. He knows perfectly well all the love you’ve shown him by helping needy Christians, and that you keep at it. And now I want each of you to extend that same intensity toward a full-bodied hope, and keep at it till the finish. Don’t drag your feet. Be like those who stay the course with committed faith and then get everything promised to them.
I was privileged to be literally spoken to my God telling me to sell my business in Phoenix, pull up stakes and move back to Federalsburg MD to help my parents cope with their final months, in the case of my Dad, and years, in the case of my Mom. A blessing beyond anything I deserved. Very tough at times like when I finally had to put my mother into other’s care due to dementia but rewarding in others like being with my Dad when he died.
There comes a time in life when things change. What do they say – Wanna make God laugh? Tell him your plan! We are surrounded by friends who are of an age that they are making this kind of decision about their parents or siblings. Many are struggling. They can only hope they make the right choices. With God’s guidance and a good heart, they will. And the parents who raised them will know how much they are loved.
Amen Annette…good advice! Hugs
Thank you for stopping in each Sunday, Cathie.