There are so many experts out there; people who think they know better than you, what is best for you. Listening to them all can seem like a cacophony of conflicting advice.
You follow the rules for overcoming this bad habit this week, and the next week, the rules are the reverse of what you’ve been doing. Today the advice is to turn left; tomorrow, you’re told to turn right.
Seems to me, the key is knowing your own mind, spirit and body and making your own decisions about what’s best for you.
I saw a news report recently about how Facebook is bad for your health because it is addictive. Of course we’ve all heard stories about people getting sucked into online chat rooms or dark places or social media to the exclusion of all else – job, family, friends. But we don’t shut down a tool that facilitates billions of communications because of the few who get lost.
One third of seniors will fall this year. But we don’t put old folks in football helmets to save them from this fate.
Maybe what’s needed is a large dose of caution and a little common sense, added to the advice of experts. Get more than one opinion. Check the accuracy of the facts. Consider the pros and the cons. Set up your own filters before following advice blindly.
That even applies to the advice just provided.
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