Sometimes you hear or read a phrase that resonates with you and gets you thinking. That’s what happened when I heard the phrase “full of courage and foolishness.” It could apply to so many things. This is where it led me.
Full of Courage and Foolishness
Listeners have asked where the ideas come from, for Consider This stories. Often, they are seeded by something a listener or reader has said in a comment to a previous story. I start thinking about the subject and out comes a radio show!
So today, I was thinking, “What kind of person has the audacity to give advice or guidance like this?” Then I read something where a writer was described as “someone full of courage and foolishness.” I thought – how utterly accurate.
Those are the two emotions that battle each other, every time a new Consider This show is written. What if my thoughts on the subject are foolish, and everyone disagrees? But then I stumble forward with great courage and record my thoughts anyway, and you don’t seem to shy away from them.
That’s all it takes to get all wound up and start again on another subject on which to be full of courage or foolishness.
Our stories have been called “down-to-earth descriptions of daily challenges and victories we each regularly encounter.” Today, someone wrote, “The anecdotes and lessons are relatable to me, so I find them motivational.”
Well, that’s why we keep broadcasting and filling up our website with thoughts and smiles and love and joy, and wonder. All we ask you to do is – Consider This.
P.S. What has been your personal experience with courage and foolishness? Scroll down and share it.
[Show #655]
Today’s consider this takes me back to June 1977 where I had just graduated from high school and wanted an adventure in life. Didn’t put much thoughts into it, just wanted to get out to another world, from a village in NE Jordan to KC, Ks!!! Wow what a big change…… That’s where courage and foolish came to play….. So now after almost 46 years, sometime I think to my self “Did I do that” and would I do it again if it can be done all over?? You bet ya I’ll do it all over in a heartbeat!!!!
Honostly those 2 words are one of the best for those who are looking for a change in the life.
Thanks Annette you always bring up such good stuff that we go through our life
What a delightful story, Abder. So glad you took the time to write. We continue to await your visit and keep the porch lights on. Stay well, my friend.
My whole life has been a journey filled with courageously overcoming what I initially thought was foolishness. Listening to my intuition, whose wild abandon urges me time-after-time to follow my heart even though the road I am about to embark upon seems silly or foolish, is one example. As a result, I have enjoyed a lifetime of beautiful, truly exceptional, serendipitous experiences and enlightening adventures.
Thank you for courageously sharing your thoughts with us, even if they seem foolish to you because they are not foolish to your listeners.
It has been my joy to witness so much of your courage and foolishness. Get on that train in Chicago and come on out here to Woodstock Virginia, and create another adventure that works.