Backstory – Courtesy
In our adult, two-person family, kind words are natural and spoken often. I wondered how good we were about being kind to each other as the kids were growing up. I remember one request for politeness that worked. I asked one day that everyone ask, “May I be excused?” before leaving the dinner table. It stuck, and from then on, they did. Go figure!
Consider This Show – Courtesy
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I was coming around the corner in the grocery store. So was he. Whew . . . close call with our carts. “Excuse me,” he smiled. “No problem,” I replied with a smile as generous as his. We were so kind and polite to each other, we two strangers. I was proud of us both.
But sometimes we forget to be equally polite to the people we love and who mean something to us. A child approaching while you’re fixing dinner may hear, “Watch out; get out of the way.” A wife reaching for a kiss during the football game may be waved off. A teenager arriving home with the groceries may be greeted with, “It’s about time you got back” Instead of “Thanks for making that trip.”
We expect that those close to us will accept this kind of behavior. After all, we can’t go around the house muttering “Please, thank you, excuse me” – all day long. Can we? Why not?
Why treat strangers in a kinder and more polite way than those we love?
Practice thinking and saying those special words around the house. Practice courtesy towards those you love!
Please . . . thank you . . . excuse me. It will be such a joy when the new kinder gentler you takes hold.
And when you find the words being used by children and grandchildren too . . . well, that’s when you know you’ve made your corner of the world a slightly little better place.
[Show #336]
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