I was trying to think back to when I first understood the concept of JOY. I know for sure that it was there when my children were each born—incredible joy that not only their fingers and toes were intact, but their soul and spirit and brain as well—and all in my care to form and nurture.
But I was joyous before then. Every time I think of a joyous moment, an earlier one occurs to me too. There was the joy of graduation . . . of first love . . . of the first good reviews on the job. I remember the joy of pulling safely up to my parents’ house after driving a car alone for the first time.
But even before then, there was the joy of sounds of music in church . . . Christmas celebrations . . . finding out that a childhood friend was a REAL friend, willing to stand up for me and take rough hits.
I wonder if I felt joy as a baby . . . as an infant. I’ll bet I did. I’ll bet an infant cuddled in its mother’s arms knows unmitigated joy. It’s true for the mother, so it probably is for the child as well.
So it seems that joy has been with us our whole lives. All we have to do is recognize it, and bask in it. One thing for sure. Joy is not in things; it is in people and memories. Make sure your daily tendings include a search for joy.
Photo credit: Michael Petrick of Petrick Studios
[Show #430]
Annette Petrick says
Silly? Oh Karen, that Sally Starr cowgirl outfit was anything but silly. It was glamorous, exciting and capable of transforming the wearer to a land where she could constantly win over the bad guys. And look how the joy lasts. The memories bring joy, even just thinking about those times. I can tell, from the smile on your face. May your Valentines Day be full of joy.
Elizabeth says
What wonderful memories, Karen! Thank goodness you had that solid foundation. That nurturing is undoubtedly part of what makes you an awesome grandmother.
Karen R. Sanderson says
I probably first knew joy from my Mom. She was awesome. I knew joy when she bought me the silly Sally Starr cowgirl outfit at about 5-6 y.o. I wore it to bed, boots and all. And again when I got the pink bike with the tassles (I learned many years later that she’d stayed up all night putting it together). I learned joy and love every day. My childhood, pre-teen, teen years…mostly good because of strong family, much love, and sometimes meatloaf and tuna noodle casserole.