I can remember the day I turned to God, begging Him to give me a sign about which way I should go. I was facing a big decision with seriously conflicting pros and cons. I heard a voice in my heart reassuring me and promising, “When it’s right, you will know.” And I did.
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Great Love – #164
Its been said that great love and great achievement both require a great risk. Certainly true. When you love greatly, you are most vulnerable. Your heart is open to joy and also heart break. Who knows which it will be? But as someone once dear to me said, “I would not have wanted to miss the dance.” Well, that too requires opening yourself to scrutiny.
Consider what the candidates went through in the recent election campaigns. How many of us would be willing to put our entire life’s history on the line for interpretation by anyone who wants to voice an opinion. It takes courage and determination, to say nothing of the risk that it may be, all for naught if you’re not chosen.
Do you have the courage to take great risks? The payoff could be great love or great achievement.
When it turns out you made the right decision, be sure to appreciate the outcome. Don’t ever take it for granted. Treasure it each day and give thanks for the gift of wisdom that guided your decision. And if it does not work out, have the courage to make a change again. This time too, the outcome could be great love or great achievement.
[Show #164]
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