Men watch TV differently. Where there are situations to remember, from one episode to the next, they forget. Sometimes I think they are just watching the pretty pictures.
Women, on the other hand, get involved in the plots, the characters, and the drama. It’s like the family on TV is mine and I have to worry about them and care about them. Their fate is in the hands of those pesky writers who can save or sacrifice my favorite TV family members, any time they want.
My TV Family
Do you have a favorite TV show? One that you drop everything to watch? You may have followed your favorite TV characters for years and years; some of them have been on the air for so long.
And now, Amazon and Netflix give you the blessed opportunity to watch one episode after another. Binge, without commercials.
I caught an episode of Grey’s Anatomy at the part where Dr. Yang was given a hospital to run, in Switzerland. Dr. McDreamy was still alive and well-coifed, the two women doctors are still married.
My husband had never watched West Wing, the series about cut-throat DC politics that came on the air in 1999. Netflix has all seven seasons. After the first two episodes, he was addicted, and we binge-watched those shows for weeks on end. He noted that the same issues stumping leaders inside the Beltway then are still confounding politicians, twenty years later.
I can just see the writers of these shows, determining the destiny of one character or another. Knocking this one off. Bringing that one back. Creating a horrific incident – only then to reveal – it was all a dream.
What God-like powers they have. What will they allow to happen next, to your favorite character? Gotta go tune in and find out! See ya later.
P.S. Bill and I have enjoyed many seasons of the series Suits. Especially when our favorite character, Rachael (Megan Markle) began dating the British prince in real life. We went back and watched every episode of West Wing – scripted so long ago yet so current. Makes you want to ask the politicians – “Did we learn anything?” More recently, we were entranced by the family locked in drama in the multiple seasons of Succession. What are some of your favorite binge-able TV shows?
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