Americans are generous givers. We donate to good causes more than our European neighbors. Besides donating money to charitable causes, we are willing to share locally. Some sell their stuff for cents on the dollar. Others give stuff away. This story is my experience in that genre.
New Wardrobes
In an earlier time, I had a job that required good-looking business clothes, high heels, and spiffy accessories. Now living in the country, my dress is more likely to be jeans and a comfortable top.
I decided that my business clothing should have a second chance at making someone look good. I created five wardrobes. Each contained six dresses, suits, and tops. I added matching shoes, scarves, jewelry, purses, and other accessories to each.
I put an ad online, offering a wardrobe to any woman in need of business clothes who would come and get them.
One wardrobe went to a woman going back to work for the first time in 20 years. She had gotten the job but had no idea what she would wear as she, too, had lived in jeans for years.
Another was shared by two sisters. Both supporting families, their budgets did not cover the luxury of good clothes.
The third went to a mother who was embarrassed to accept and sent her 10-year-old in to take the things. There was no need for that, my dear, but your son was a delight.
The fourth went to a young woman who had trouble finding business clothes in this size.
The final wardrobe went to a grey-haired woman who no longer was employed but liked to dress up for church on Sunday. We even added some hats to that wardrobe.
It was such fun to meet these women and hear how they planned to wear their new outfits. Good job, ladies.
P.S. Influencer Shelley Shiley recently listed the five different love languages – affirmation, quality time, physical touch, gift giving & receiving, and acts of service. She noted that “all of these languages of love start with one thing; time.“ Even if we can’t give money, cars or wardrobes, we can still give time. What cause have you chosen to give your precious time?
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Joan says
Great message – one that I am
Sharing as it is so timely
Diane says
What a creative idea. I love your solution.
Annette Petrick says
Wish I could do it again. But today, my jeans hang next to one spring dress for church, three fancy dresses just in case, a dress for the funeral and one for the wedding. Can’t part with any of those!
Annette Petrick says
Wish I could do it again. But today, my jeans hang next to one spring dress for church, three fancy dresses just in case, a dress for the funeral and one for the wedding. Can’t part with any of those!