Handwritten notes? In the day of briefest possible communication like tweets, texting and Instagram? Here’s the story of how that came about.
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Pen Pal – #331
“Do you think Grandma would like to be my pen pal, ” my 10-year old grandchild asked her mom. We live several hundred miles away from each other and I don’t have a chance to engage in grandmotherly things like attending her ballet classes or watching her play softball. And now, she had come up with the idea of writing to each other.
Well, we’re both on Facebook, we both have computers, we both email each other, but here she was wanting to do something more personal and to me something very precious. I agreed in a moment and we began a stream of communications that kept the postman hopping.
I bought her return labels for her envelopes with her name and address on them and the greeting, Hi Grandma! She sent me messages of one or two sentences or whole pages worth of observations and questions and endearments full of sweet 10-year old innocence.
Yes, some wound up on the refrigerator where I secretly hoped that visitors would read her charming text. Others were packed lovingly in a box to be returned to her in 10 or 20 years to reacquaint her with the young girl she once was. Perhaps by then to have a daughter of her own with whom to share.
I am so pleased to be the pen pal of this special little person.
Well, she IS now 10 years older. No daughter to share this with yet, so I’m keeping the ribbon tied box for when that event comes along. Once scrolled to paper, her words are mine forever.
[Show #331]
I love writing and hearing from my 12 great grands. Doesn’t, happen often enough.
None of my other eight gkids have had the urge either, Betty. Although one sends me pictures for my refrigerator.
As you can imagine, this wonderful story makes my day! On my newly ordered business cards, I describe myself as a note-writing revivalist. “Evangelist” would work equally well. I’m so glad, Annette, that you’re a member of my Facebook group “The Art of the Heartspoken Note.” I invite anyone who shares our love of this wonderful connection tool to join us (https://www.facebook.com/groups/HeartspokenNotes). Thank you for spreading the word! I’m heading over to our Facebook group right now to share this post.
I’ll meet you over there. A little late, by a month . . .
Loving this story and inspired to do the same with my grandkids. Thank you!
Delighted to hear that, Susie. Hope you get a positive response. It’s hard to tie a ribbon around Tik Toks.
Bob and I wrote faithfully to each other for two years! During that time we actually became engaged! He destroyed all of our letters together many many years ago but I think I have at least one. What a nice time to get to know your future husband!
Hang on to that one, Cathie.
A lost art and it is a shame. Mom had a treasure trove of letters from my dad when he was overseas in WWII. I trust my sister still has them.
I have love letters from my grandad to Nanny as they were courting – and the rose he wore on his lapel when they were wed, in 1918. Priceless.