When I looked around, while in lockdown, I started re-imagining my future in simpler terms. Here are some of the views that evolved.
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The Small Stuff – #632
There comes a point in your life when you decide to enjoy the birds and the trees in your view,
rather than worrying about whether the grass is cut.
In the words of Richard Carlson, “Don’t sweat the small stuff . . . and it’s all small stuff.”
Life is too short and too valuable to spend it on small stuff. Decide who matters and who never did, who won’t matter anymore, and who always will. Keep close to you, those who bring you joy and laughter. Separate out those who bring darkness into your life. Decide who you want to help and learn how to say no with a smile and a hug.
THAT may be the hardest of all. But it’s your RIGHT to make those decisions. It’s your life. Don’t worry about people from your past, who should not be allowed in your future. Leave room in your heart for new friends and connections yet to come. Treasure those who are with you now and show your appreciation.
Repay kindness . . . do favors . . . give of your talents. Take the time to create memories that matter for you and those you love. Creating new memories takes time. Take the time. Of all the gifts we can give, memories of happenings you’ve created may just be the most precious of all.
Some of the happiest retired folks I know are those who are now taking the time for friends, neighbors and relatives. It is these relationships that give them the most joy these days even though the connection may have to be electronic.
[Show #632]
Elizabeth says
Yes, yes, yes! This is the best advice I’ve heard since the pandemic started, and I have resolved to aspire to its principles as much as possible.
Annette Petrick says
I too have to keep reminding myself of this.