Backstory – Song from the 80’s – Make Things Better
We were listening to the songs from half a century ago, played by Craig Orndorff on Old Time Radio. Then songs from the 1980s came on. There seemed to be a thread through much of the music. Artists sang about the troubles of the time and how they needed to be fixed. Here we were, 30, 40 or 50 years later. Were those things fixed? Are we able to sing of the joy and sweetness of conquering the challenges? Asking those questions led to the story featured this week. Please listen in.
Consider This Show – Song from the 80’s – Make Things Better
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A song from the 1980s came out of the radio today; one of those oldies but goodies where you know every word and sing along. The lyrics were about how we simply HAVE to make things change for the better.
The words of the song applied today as eloquently as they did thirty years ago. How sad! Have we learned nothing from our experience?
Our values and preferences contain so many opposing views. Whatever suits one group infuriates another. We can’t seem to come together. Compromise seems out of the question.
We need leadership to bring us all back to a place where there is hope, because our current actions are tearing us apart.
What a challenge. Are we up to the task? Who will step in to take the lead? Will it fall into place after the next election? Or will it take someone somewhere speaking up to go viral and give a wakeup call that is heard around the globe?
Of course, our fear is that the wakeup will be a tragic event that could have been prevented if we had only heeded the words of the songs of the 1980s . . . or 90s . . or those that were sung at the turn of the century.
Or will the songs we sing today be the mantra of the next generation, and will they wonder why the words were never heeded?
[Show #616]
Elizabeth says
It does seem as if some of these themes are threaded throughout history. They re-appear in different ways, and it is tempting to give in to despair and fear and resignation, but we must not. Hope must prevail…hope along with our best and most high-minded effort..