I had just returned from the Rotary Club meeting, where I received a giant hug from a fellow Rotarian. The wonderful feeling of camaraderie it engendered made me want to write about it. Regardless of current cultural warnings, keep hugs as part of your life. They are precious and will fill you with well-being.
Charlie Brown
This show was inspired by that outstanding philosopher – Charlie Brown. In a moment of pure insight, Charlie Brown recited – “I love the kind of hug where you can feel the sadness leave your body.” Me too, Charlie, me too.
When someone gathers you up in their arms and holds you tight, it can just wash away every guilt, concern, or worry you have been feeling. And when things are going well, a hug is a welcome gesture of friendship and affection.
I have a friend who I get to hug every week. We attend the same organization meeting, and I can tell we both look forward to the moment when we will share that embrace.
I joyously watch my children hug their children and see the kids reciprocate, even the teenagers.
I did some research and found that hugging is extremely effective at healing sickness, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress. Well, no wonder it feels so good!
A deep hug, where the hearts are pressing together, nurtures and provides a sense of safety. Perhaps most important, hugs boost self-esteem. They are an extension of the touch we received as infants, meant to show that we are loved and special, even before actual words could be exchanged.
Do the world a favor. Deliver hugs often and with gusto. I will too.
P.S. During the Covid lockdown, when hugs were verboten, a friend sent me this jar of hugs. Besides showering me with joy, they provided a source from which I could send an individual hug to dozens of others. Neat.
[Show #533]