Today’s grandmothers are on the go and may still be employed. They are just not available as they were when everyone lived nearby. Technology claims to be an answer for keeping in-touch – except for those of us who can’t remember their password, let alone install and operate apps on our tablet or watch.
When it comes to the gizmos and gadgets and digital equipment with which the kids are obsessed, grandparents are often left in the dust. We need wisdom, creativity and a slice of entrepreneurship to create effective intergenerational communication in this day and age.
The Distant Grandma
The role of grandmother can be challenging when distance separates generations.
In my childhood, most grandmothers lived within walking distance or were at least a short ride away. Not so today. So how does a grandmother get to know and enjoy her children’s children?
One Nanny has grand-kids who live about an hour’s drive away. She prepares dinner each Tuesday and totes it to their home, where she and the family share the meal. Then mom and dad have a night out while she spends time getting updated on the grand-kids’ lives.
Other grandmothers have turned to Skype. They may have scheduled weekly electronic visits or the grand-kids may dial up whenever they have something special to share. It’s a wonderful opportunity to watch babies blossom, week by week.
One grandma who is also the family genealogist takes a batch of old photos with her when she visits, and tells stories of earlier generations, how they got to America and how they prospered or struggled. She is also the unofficial custodian of the family heritage, sharing songs, costumes and history of the land of their ancestors.
If you are a grandmother, what do you do to stay in touch with busy grand-kids? Let us know, and we’ll share your ideas in a future show. Send your thoughts to, or respond on our website.
Great resource for grandparenting – GRAND magazine helps provide solutions to the many challenges of being a grandparent in today’s tech-savvy world. Also recognizes that we are not ‘just’ grandparents. We are multifaceted human beings with many passions and interests, transitioning through life stages. GRAND sometimes features grandparent-themed stories from Consider This. Subscribe free.
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