With more than seven decades of dreams to explore, I was having a good time remembering enjoyment, embarrassment, delight, disappointment, and temporary devastation. I had plans. Some worked out. Some made God laugh. Thinking about how my dreams have changed led to this story.
Today’s Dream
I found I’ve changed some of my dreams because they’re no longer any fun. Like air travel, when you have to endure lines and safety precautions that go over the top and risk delays and inconvenience. Traveling the world was once high on my list of priorities. It’s off now.
If I never see the pyramids up close or visit the cathedrals or the fjords, I can still appreciate them; enjoy them from afar and listen attentively to the stories of friends who have been there.
Where I will go out of my way to travel is to see friends. Watching the door open to reveal a precious face that I have not kissed in years. Now that is the prize at the end of the rainbow. It is much more appealing these days than looking at exquisite buildings or lifeless structures.
Oh, I know that your dreams are probably bigger than mine these days, and I congratulate you on that. May they all come true. And when they do, be sure to reflect on your good fortune. No sense in having dreams without recognizing when they’ve been fulfilled.
Here’s to the best of your dreams and all the plans in the works to realize them.
P.S. Consider This had once been a dream. The 90-second show has been broadcast on the radio for fifteen years now, with one story emailed each Sunday morning for most of that time. Over 700 shows have been written and recorded. Thanks so much for listening to or reading some of them and sharing them with friends.
[Show #711]