2020 – A year when we got broadsided faster then we could get upright from the last calamite. A time when the truth of every spoken word was questioned and no written word seemed to pass muster either. How do we set a stage for entering the complexities already obvious for the new year? A lot will depend on attitude.
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Start the Year Right – #490
Every morning, when you wake up, you have a big decision to make. You can decide whether to be happy . . . or sad.
It may not hit you in the head like a brick – “Hey there, do ya wanna be happy today?” So it’s important to KNOW that you have that choice. Something wonderful is totally in your control at that moment. YOU can decide!
Don’t put any reservations on your decision –
- If my lottery number comes in today, I’ll be happy.
- If he calls for a second date, I’ll be happy.
- If I get on the scale and find I lost another pound, I’ll be happy.
You can CHOOSE to be happy, regardless of what you will face that day, or what outside interests have their hold on you.
You can’t control who will call or how lucky you will be or whether that éclair took its toll on your hips. But you CAN control whether you will be happy. It’s a decision you make for yourself.
It’s very selfish, because it involves nobody else but you. When you look in the mirror, over the bathroom sink, you can smile or you can frown. You can assume your day will go badly today . . . or decide to be happy even if it does.
Don’t let outside influences decide. It’s YOUR choice. Set your tone and attitude to welcome a day in which you will be happy, joyful and make good decisions for yourself. The choice is yours. What will it be?
There! With that attitude set in place, go out into the world. Be a problem solver. Provide the glue that keeps things together. Bring the wisdom of experience to the table. Be the spokesperson for those with no voice. Bring calm into the room that leads to compromise. Happy New Year.
[Show #490]