How do you convey the spirit of Christmas in your world? Are we doing a good job of projecting the essence of peace on earth, good will toward man? Is that hard to do, in a secular world where the presence of angels and miracles is challenged? Here’s what I see, when I look around.
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The Spirit of Christmas – #514
The spirit of Christmas is alive and well in the U.S.A. Look around you. People are giving to the causes that provide Christmas to kids whose stockings would otherwise be empty. From the Marines, to neighborhoods, to the local Rotary Club, coats, toys, books and food are going out with love. The Salvation Army bell is being heeded generously. It’s the time of year to remember others with visits and special considerations.
If your home is decorated in the colors of the Christmas season, invite someone over to enjoy it – someone whose own home may lack holiday sparkle. If you’ve baked those special cookies of yours, take some over to the neighbor who is housebound.
Send cards, make phone calls, send emails, and light up Facebook with Christmas cheer.
We’re all so busy. Yet this is the time of year when we make time for those we love and the friends we treasure. It’s when we’re especially polite to strangers. Don’t let the Christmas rush delete your Christmas spirit.
Remember, the true meaning of Christmas is sharing love and laughter and showing how much we care about each other. Keep the concept alive by what you say and do this season.
If the Christmas spirit is in your heart, it will show. Peace on earth, good will to men – and women too!
You know what could happen? You could start to feel so good, carrying the Christmas spirit around with you, that you just might pour it over into 2019. Now wouldn’t THAT be a hoot?
[Show #514]