It’s easy to get swept away by the bad news: someone is treated badly; someone is swindled out of their life savings, the life is savagely snuffed out of a good person, a young life is lost.
Knowing about the bad things that could happen can be scary. It can get us to a place where we are waiting for the next shoe to fall. When will it be OUR TURN to experience something bad? It could be around the next corner. And it COULD!
Even after something bad, though, most likely, there will be something good around the next corner. Remember that the media has to pull news about something bad from all around the country and the world, just to keep us informed.
It’s not news that 16 million school children arrived safety. There’s no headline in knowing that 45 million husbands chose to come home to their families and share their lives tonight. The fact that 34 million of them were met with a hug and a smile; you’ll never hear Fox News report it.
So take the news with a grain of salt. Something bad did happen to them. It could happen to you. And if it does, you have the strength and courage to figure out how to handle it.
In the meantime, enjoy the everyday good times. Treasure them. Don’t let them get by without celebration. They are what this good life is all about.