My daughters and I were laughing about a party held at our big New Jersey home decades ago, when they were still small. It was hilarious to hear their take on the party from their aspect, as a young child on the side-lines.
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Creating Memories – #603
Recently, I told you about the surprise birthday party in my honor. It lasted one afternoon. But the aftermath is what I want to share with you. Because that event had a life of its own. It was like seeing a movie that keeps repeating in your head.
For weeks, I went to sleep remembering a vignette or a conversation or a hug shared that afternoon. I knew the memories of that day would be with me forever.
But the good part is that it gets to play over and over WITH OTHER PEOPLE as well. Every time I get together with a friend who was there, or a relative who helped plan or run the event, the warm rush of affection happens all over again. I hear what THEY took away; entirely different from what I did.
So the gift provided by the folks who planned and attended that surprise party did NOT fill just one afternoon. It became another story that is part of my life. How precious!
So I have a suggestion for you. If you are invited to a surprise party . . . or any such event . . . GO! Make the time, go out of your way to get there. Does it matter if you are in the crowd? Yes, it does.
You are giving the gift of time and sharing, to someone you care for, who no doubt loves you in return. The scope of the gift you provide by your attendance is immeasurable. It will pleasure the person honored with happy memories and provide stories to tell, for years to come. Don’t miss it. Be there.
We celebrated my mom’s 75th birthday some 20 years ago, and family members are still posting photos, remembering the laughs and memories it conjured up. We plan to put those photos together into a book. Of course, we have planned that, for twenty years now.
[Show #603]