What do you think about buying merchandise made in the USA? Probably the first thought that comes to mind is that it’s more expensive. Two points –
- Made in the USA may NOT cost more.
- Maybe it’s time to consider paying a dollar or two more to buy goods made here at home.
For the last fourth of July, I wanted some new American flags. I found them in one of those dollar stores – yep, for a buck. Made in China. It just did not seem right to show my patriotism by flying my country’s flag – made elsewhere.
Big Lots had flags made in America. They were $2 each. Consider my purchase as my contribution toward a better economy here at home.
Let’s start making an effort to buy – Made in the USA.
Ace Hardware features merchandise and machines made here. Hallmark cards are now made in China. I found lots of cards made in the USA at the Dollar store – fifty cents each. Kitchen Aid is made in the U.S.A. GE light bulbs are now made in Mexico. You can find bulbs made in the USA.
Just like reading labels for nutrients and calories when you buy food, let’s start checking for manufacture origin when we buy anything.
The job you save may be your own or your neighbor’s!
[Show #430]