Do you ever find yourself rhyming without even thinking about it? When that happens to me, I go with the flow. Most of my attempts wind up crumpled on the floor. But this one seemed to fly. Something different this week. Please try it on for size.
Transition From Youth
I look around at youth today
So little do they know
They think that they have mastered things
While we’ve turned sad and slow
Their life – a giant picture book
Where nothing has been written
They’ve not known grief or been in love
Or barely even smitten
It takes a lot of travelin’ days
To reach this age and place
To trade in youth for hair of white
And corrugated face
There’s less time left
And what there is
Goes rushing by so fast
Until the time has come
When life is mostly in the past.
But realize in time that’s left
That every single day
Presents an opportunity
For love and joy and play
So I will keep my fantasies
And write and speak and giggle
And put up with the parts that hurt
Or cramp or crack or jiggle
‘Cause life is truly precious
A daily gift from God
Not to sing this miracle
Would indeed be odd
Give thanks for what has come before
And too what lies ahead
For friends and kids and memories
And fine red wine and bread
Let’s party on through this life phase
Enjoying every minute
For you will only get from life
As much as you put in it.
By Annette Petrick for Consider This.
P.S. With an attitude to match our aptitude, we don’t have to worry about transitioning from youth. We can keep our boyish charm and our girlish flirtation and just add the years on, as they come, enjoying each day for its own worth.
[Show #380]