Hands clenched into fists, I could feel my blood pressure rising. He had done it again. Or maybe he had forgotten it again. Whatever it was, it really ticked me off. Then I remembered that I had a choice. I could get mad again, or find a better way. This is what I taught myself. Hope it helps you think of a new way better way too.
Those Niggling Things
I read this heart quote of the day on the website. “Be master of your petty annoyances and conserve your energies for the big, worthwhile things. It isn’t the mountain ahead that wears you out, it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.” The author is Robert Service.
Good old Bob had such a heart-spoken worthy sentiment. Think about the last half dozen things that really ticked you off. I’ll bet most of them were silly, insignificant things. Yet they can take away so much of our energy trying to make them change. From putting down the toilet seat, to slamming the car door, to feeding the dog, to remembering where you put the keys.
Whether these annoyances are caused by others in your life or by yourself, they sure can take up space in your heart and mind.
Well, there’s another side to this story. You have a choice. You can allow the niggling behavior to get to you or not. How important is it in the big picture? Will it still be important a year from now? Would it be a show of love for you to do it instead of the person you expect to do it?
React differently next time you are annoyed. Decide in what category of importance it belongs. Move it over to a place where you can have more peace and give yourself better quality time to address the things that really matter.
P.S. Forgive and forget the small stuff. It’s all small stuff.
[Show #520]
Diane R. says
Wonderful advice to remember!
Annette Petrick says
Thanks, Diane. Look forward to catching up with you.
Karen Thomas says
For sure! It is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)that we benefit from developing. Those with a high EQ can go further than others with a high IQ.
Annette Petrick says
Choosing the positivity described was a turning point in my life, at one point.
joan says
a very thoughtful message
thank you for sending it